water filtration North hampton, NH

Water Filtration Solutions

If you are reading this and you are a resident of North Hampton, NH, your home may have water which requires a water filtration system, water softener or a combination of filtration technologies.  As is the case with many wells in New England, there are certain common contaminants that find their way into the water supply.  North Hampton tends to have high levels of iron & manganese in the water along with low pH.  There are tried and true water filtration systems and water softener designs to remove these contaminants to provide you with excellent water quality.

Having your own well does give you control over your water supply more than if you were supplied by a public water supplier (and you don’t have to pay for the water), however, having your own well shifts all responsibility for the safety and quality of your water to you.


whole house water filtration North Hampton, NH

Dissolved Iron Staining

Iron, manganese and hardness minerals, along with low pH tend to characterize many of the wells in North Hampton.  Due to these high levels, methods and technologies that may typically work on lower levels of iron and manganese may not be effective on these high levels.  See the Water Technology Magazine article titled, “Iron So High It Was Almost Frightening!” at the following link: Iron Article in Water Technology Magazine.  Hydrogen Sulfide is evidenced typically by a rotten egg smell in your water, however this may also be caused by high Manganese levels in the water as well.  Either an ozone, aeration or other media-based system can be effective in correcting this. Proper analysis will determine which approach makes the most sense.

Water testing North hampton, NH

Water Testing


Water testing should be conducted by an EPA or state certified laboratory and should include analysis for the parameters in the table below.  If you are uncertain as to how to take a proper sample and get it to a lab, you should contact a water treatment professional or lab for assistance.  They can walk you through the steps required to complete this task.  Typical items tested for include the following; however, you should discuss this with your water treatment professional of lab selected.

Coliform bacteria pH
Arsenic Radon
Chloride Sodium
Iron Sulfate
Lead Conductivity
Manganese Nitrogen-Nitrate

If the testing results for Radon exceed the current New Hampshire guideline of 2,000 pCi/L in water, the radon must be removed from the water and most Boards of Health recommend testing the air for Radon as well. If the results for Arsenic come in at or above .01 parts per billion, then a water filtration system for removing the Arsenic must be installed.


water softener

Water Softener with Sediment Filtration

Water filtration or water softener systems can be installed for the removal of any of the contaminants listed in the previous table and more.  Water softeners are typically installed to remove hard water minerals,  iron and manganese in the water through a technology called Ion Exchange.  For very high levels of iron or manganese, the design of the equipment installation is of particular importance.

Water Filtration company North Hampton NH

Sediment & Carbon Filtration

Arsenic is removed with tanks containing a specific media that “grabs” the arsenic out of the water.  For more information on Arsenic in water, see the link at EPA Arsenic in water article.

Removing radon from water requires a system where the water is agitated to release the radon gas into a sealed chamber, then venting the radon gas safely outside the home to ambient air.  Other technologies and systems are used to remove the other contaminants.  Any water filtration system designed should start with a water test before an informed recommendation can be made.

water filtration north hampton, nhWater filtration system North hampton NH

H2O Care is an established, regional water filtration and testing firm formed in 1989.  Articles published by the Company can be seen in Water Technology Magazines at publications. Contact us at [email protected] or 800-539-1100.