Radon gas has no color, odor or taste and comes from the natural radioactive breakdown of uranium in the ground. You can get exposed to radon through two main sources: radon in the air in your home and radon in water, which escapes into the air as it is used for showering, washing dishes, laundry, etc. Removal can be effectively implemented with proper diagnosis, system specification and professional plumbing work (See photo of an installed system in lower section).

As uranium breaks down, radon gas forms and can seep into the house through cracks in the foundation, floors, walls, etc. Radon from soil can get into any type of building: homes, offices and schools, with the ability to build up to high levels in the air inside the building.
If radon gas gets into your water supply, every time you take a shower, do dishes, the laundry, etc., the radon gas will escape the water and enter your home. Breathing in radon gas has been linked to lung cancer and it has been determined to be the leading cause of lung cancer among non-cigarette smokers.
Breathing Radon in Indoor Air can Cause Lung Cancer
It is estimated that around 20,000 deaths a year in the U.S. are caused by breathing radon in indoor air. Radon in indoor air is the second leading cause of lung cancer. See the following link for more information about radon.
Testing for Radon in Water
Speak to your H2O Care water treatment professional about getting a proper water sample and to ensure that a Certified Laboratory is utilized for testing the sample. An improperly taken water sample can render the test results unreliable. Additionally, getting the sample to the lab within the required time period for testing is critical with radon for a reliable test result. We can go over the results with you and determine the most effective approach for you to remove radon from water.

Radon Removal from Well Water
There are two types of point-of-entry devices that can be installed for radon removal from water: granular activated carbon (GAC) filters and aeration devices which bubble air through the water and force out radon gas into a sealed chamber, then safely vents it outside. As carbon retains the radon as it passes through it, the potential for build-up and subsequent release of radon gas back into the home makes this method the least desirable of the two and highly discouraged.
H2O Care installs systems for your home or business to remove radon from water and eliminate the threat posed by radon exposure.
Proper installation and venting to outside of the home is critical for effective and safe radon removal from water. We install many types of home water filtration systems to correct various water quality problems. Our on-staff Licensed Master & Journeyman Plumbers can assure you that our installations are completed safely and with exceptional quality and workmanship.
Trained Service Professionals are on Call 24/7
H2O Care is always available for routine maintenance and to resolve any unforeseen problems. We are extremely committed to providing customer service that meets or exceeds expectations and we believe this has been the key to our success as an organization since 1989.
Radon in Air:
If you are concerned about radon removal from your home’s air, ask your H2O Care representative for the name of a highly skilled air mitigation contractor in your area.