Water Softener with Brine Tank
What Should I Do If My Newly Purchased Home Has Water Treatment Equipment That Was Previously Installed?
We often get phone calls from new homeowners that purchased a home with pre-existing water filtration equipment installed.
In many cases the system had been originally installed by us for the previous homeowner and the contact information was attached to the system with a sticker. Normal questions from people that have never had a private well or water filtration equipment typically consist of, “What is this system doing?” “How old is it?” “How often should it be serviced?” “When was the last time it was serviced?” “Can I drink the water?” In these situations, it is easy for us to simply look up the address in our data base and know what type of water filtration equipment is installed and when, along with the last service date and next due. At this point, one of our representatives can answer these questions over the phone. A number of people prefer to set up a service call at their home even if the system is not quite due for service yet, just to start off fresh. Once our field service technicians arrive, they will perform the service and explain to the homeowner what is being done and why. We prefer that our customers have a better understanding of the system that is providing them with clean water.
In other situations, we get calls from people that have water filtration equipment in their newly purchased home but there is no contact information, therefore we get a call either because someone referred them to us or they looked up water filtration companies over the internet or some other way. While our Company has the breadth and depth of experience to service any brand of water filtration equipment out there, we will need to know who the manufacturers are of the equipment (which is usually identified on the systems) in order for us to come with the appropriate materials to properly service the system. Even if you do not have this information, we can usually determine what materials we need to properly service the equipment.
We get at least a dozen calls per month from people that have these “orphaned” systems.

Under-sink Reverse Osmosis Install
Having water filtration equipment in your home for the first time need not be a scary or anxiety causing situation. In fact, if you have the proper water filtration equipment installed (& serviced at proper intervals) to treat your private well water or even city water, you will get the best quality water you’ve probably ever had. It can make a huge difference in how your laundry comes out, for showering or bathing on your skin and hair, for cooking, better ice cubes, the clean taste of pure water and a host of other benefits.
Typical systems installed in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine include water softeners for removing iron and manganese, pH Neutralization systems to neutralize low pH or acidic (corrosive) water, systems to remove Arsenic from well water and Radon from well water along with carbon filtration systems for removing chlorine and related byproducts or other contaminants that might be present. Reverse osmosis filtration systems are highly effective in removing most contaminants from your drinking water and are often added as a “point of use” system to feed a separate faucet at the kitchen sink and/or connect into your refrigerator’s water dispenser and ice maker.
Determining the appropriate system for you is best approached with an initial water test. From there, an analysis by a qualified water treatment professional will enable you to make the best decision for your situation, taking into account not only the water chemistry, but also the estimated water volume usage based on home size, number of people in the family, etc.
For more information, an H2o Care representative can be reached at (800) 539-1100 or email to service@h2ocare.com *