Water softeners are typically installed to remove hard water minerals (magnesium and calcium), dissolved iron or manganese in the water. Water softener technology is called Ion Exchange.There are different water softener designs and capacities and, depending on your specific water chemistry and volume usage, a properly designed system will work well. To remove particulate iron or manganese, a properly sized sediment filter is required.
Any water filtration system or water softener recommendation should start with a water test before an informed decision can be made. This is important not only to figure out what needs to be removed from the water, but also to properly size the water softener or water filter. To determine what type of water testing to have performed and how to take a proper sample, call a water treatment professional or a state certified laboratory.
The drinking water for the Town of Rowley comes from three groundwater wells located on Town-owned parcels of land within the Parker River Basin. Groundwater comes from rain and snow melt percolating through the ground and flows through the spaces between soil particles and through fractures in rock. paces between soil particles and through fractures in rock. Groundwater is vulnerable to contamination from many types of land uses and activities, including road salt, septic systems and improper disposal of hazardous materials.
HOW ARE THESE SOURCES PROTECTED? Mass DEP has prepared a Source Water Assessment Program (SWAP) Report for the water supply sources serving the Town of Rowley. The SWAP Report assesses the susceptibility of public water supplies. A susceptibility rating of high was assigned to this system using the information collected during Mass DEP’s assessment, due to the absence of hydrological barriers that could prevent migration of contamination into the Town’s groundwater supply. The complete SWAP Report is available at http://www.mass.gov/dep/water/drinking/swapreps.htm. You can also visit Rowley’s website http://www.rowleywater.com for more information.
H2O Care is an established full service water filtration and testing organization, originally formed in 1989, based in Middleton, MA off route 114 with an additional office in Stow, MA. See our published articles in Water Technology Magazines at http://h2ocare.com/pub. Contact us [email protected] or 800-539-1100.