by Mark St Hilaire | Oct 13, 2015 | Residential water problems
MASSACHUSETTS DRINKING WATER – ARSENIC & URANIUM ISSUES IN WELLS Drinking Water Standards First, it is important to note that the state and federal public drinking water standards for Arsenic and Uranium are 0.010 ug/l or ppb, parts per billion and 0.030...
by Mark St Hilaire | Aug 12, 2015 | Residential water problems
Some water problems, such as the presence of Radon and Arsenic in water, are impossible to detect without an appropriate laboratory water test. But many water problems can be detected simply by using your taste, smell and observation skills. Here’s what to...
by Mark St Hilaire | May 7, 2015 | Residential water problems
Saltwater intrusion is exactly what it sounds like – the movement of salt water into fresh water. This can contaminate drinking water and lead to an array of other consequences. Where is this problem most likely to occur and are you at risk? Not surprisingly,...
by Mark St Hilaire | Apr 9, 2015 | Water Filtration
Casually mention water filtration or water filters around just about anyone and the first image that pops into their head will most likely look something like a Brita filter. We have one thing to say about that: Just as Paul Hogan knew what a real knife was in...
by Mark St Hilaire | Mar 13, 2015 | Residential water problems
Most people know what a water softener is but are less familiar with the negative effects of hard water or how a softener works. In following, hard water is defined as having a high level of the minerals Calcium and Magnesium. Over time, these minerals can adhere to...