Water Filtration Solutions

Water filtration systems can provide you with truly excellent water quality for your home or business.  A water test is the best place to start to determine what should be removed from the water supply.


Water testing in Middleton, MA

Preferably, testing should be conducted by an EPA or Massachusetts state certified laboratory.  Additionally, for proper sampling or for what to test, you should contact a lab or water treatment professional for assistance. Furthermore, certain items can be tested for on-site by a qualified water treatment professional  However, for health threat contaminants, a proper sample should be taken to a certified state laboratory.


Common issues encountered in private wells are hardness, manganese and iron.  Additionally, low pH and sometimes radon and arsenic may be detected.  Consequently, if the testing results for Radon exceed the current Massachusetts guideline of 10,000 pCi/L in water, the radon must be removed..  Notably, New Hampshire requires action if radon is only 2,000 pCi/L (Pico curries per liter), Maine and Rhode Island are at 4,000 pCi/L. Also, the maximum allowable level of Arsenic in drinking water per the EPA is .01 mg/L (Milligrams per liter) or 10 parts per billion. For more, see the link at arsenic-in-private-well-water.

Water softener Middleton, MA

High Efficiency Water Softener


A water softener will remove dissolved iron, dissolved manganese and hardness minerals from the water.  Furthermore, sediment filtration will remove particulate iron or manganese in the water as well as other forms of sediment.

REGIONAL HEALTH THREATS – Radon & Arsenic in Private Wells

Removing radon from water requires a system where the water is highly agitated releasing the radon gas from the water into a sealed chamber,  Subsequently, it is safely vented outside the home to ambient air. These systems are typically installed in the basement at the water supply point of entry.

Radon in water removal Middleton MA

Radon in Water Removal

Arsenic is removed with tanks containing a specific media that “grabs” the arsenic out of the water.  Subsequently, the tanks are exchanged over time as their removal capacity exhausts.

twin arsenic ozone filter Middleton, MA

Twin Arsenic system with Ozone

In conclusion, up front water testing and analysis with subsequent professional installation will solve your water problems.
H2O Care is an established full service water filtration and testing organization, originally formed in 1989, based in Middleton, MA on route 114 with additional offices in Stow & Lakeville, MA.  See our published articles in Water Technology Magazines at http://h2ocare.com/pub. Reach us at service@h2ocare.com or 978-777-8330.

Water filtration in Middleton, MassachusettsWater filtration system Middleton MA